Corporate culture

Mission:Offer high-quality service for global power transmission.

Vision: To be the leader in the global cable industry.

Core value: Ambitious and Passionate, Honest and Pragmatic, Dedicated and Professional, Seeking Improvement and Perfection, Pursuing Innovation and Excellence, Achieving Harmony and Win-Win.

Operation principle: On the basis of both good morals and excellent academic performance;take science and technology as impetus; take innovation as spirit; take quality as life; take brand as goal; be market-oriented; take capital as means; take benefit as centre; take management as guarantee

Corporate spirit:  Never be satisfied, pursue excellence.

Quality policy:  Surpass user expectation, create world famous brand

Working style:  React quickly, take immediate action, and strive for excellence

Staff culture: Sense of mission, sense of responsibility, team spirit, spirit of utter devotion, spirit of innovation

Staff pursuit:    New cause, new friend, new environment, new knowledge, new life

Management feature: Be governed by law, by reason, by feeling

Working thoughts:   Whether want to do or not? Whether can do or not? Whether do right or not? Whether do well or not?

Working attitude: Concerned, loyal, modest, whole-hearted, patient, considerate, relieved, with heart linking to heart